PLC Programming MADE EASY (Level 1)
As a foundation block, this free PLC programming course is your first step towards becoming an Automation professional
Explain the purpose of a PLC Interface Module(IM) and describe how it is connected in the PLC Rack
Explain the difference between Digital and Analog signals
Using practical examples, explain the operation of Digital Input/Digital Output and Analog Input/Analog Output modules
Using a practical example, explain the operation of a Function Module(FM)
List and explain 3 methods of connecting the PLC to the programming computer
Explain how to create a New Project in the Simatic Step 7 Manager
Explain how to configure the PLC Hardware, Rack, Power Supply, and CPU in the Simatic Step 7 Manager
Explain how to configure the Digital Input(DI), Digital Output(DO), and Analog Input (AI) in the Simatic Step 7 Manager.
Explain how to use the PLC Simulator
Explain how to download the DI, DO, and AI Configuration to the PLC
Where Are You on the Roadmap?
Opening Chapter
1. Control system skills, our easy to learn training series
2. Control system components, PLC’s and the hardware they use
3. Power Supply Modules, for Use within PLC Control Systems
4. CPU Task in a PLC
5. CPU Operation Modes
6. Introduction to Memory Types
7. PLC Load Memory
8. PLC Working Memory
9. PLC System Memory
10. PLC Retentive Memory
11. PLC CPU Ports
12. CPU Status and Error Indicators
13. How to Delete the CPU Memory in a PLC
14. PLC Interface Module
15. Types of Electrical Signals
16. PLC DI and DO Modules
17. PLC AI and AO Modules
18. PLC Function Module
19. CP Module
20. Difference Between STEP7 and SIMATIC Manager
21. Methods of Connecting to S7 PLCs
22. Set PG/PC Interface
23. LEDs on PC Adapter
24. Creating a New Project in STEP 7 V5.5
25. PLC Hardware Configuration in STEP 7 V5.5
26. PLC Rack Configuration
27. Configuration of the PLC Power Supply
28. Configuration of the CPU
29. PLC Digital Input Module Configuration
30. PLC Digital Output Module Configuration
31. PLC Analog Input Module Configuration
32. How to work with PLC Simulator?
33. How to Download the Hardware to the PLC
34. Difference between STEP 7 and TIA Portal
35. Methods of Connecting to S7 PLCs
36. Set PG/PC Interface
37. LEDs on PC Adapter
38. Creating a New Project in TIA Portal
39. PLC Hardware Configuration in TIA Portal
40. PLC Rack Configuration
41. Configuration of the PLC Power Supply
42. Configuring the CPU
43. Digital Input Modules in the Hardware Catalog
44. DO Configuration in HW Configuration
45. PLC Analog Input Module Configuration
46. How to Work With PLC Simulator
47. How to Download the Hardware Configuration to the CPU
You've Nailed It!
Where to Go from Here?
You are an aspiring PLC programmer
You are an engineer, electrician, technician, or other field maintenance type that needs a solid foundation in PLC Hardware and an introduction to programming languages
You'll get lifetime access to this course.
PLC Programming MADE EASY (Level 1) is a free course. No certificate will be granted for completing a free course. However, You will receive a personalized certificate of completion once you have fully finished a course (that provides a certificate) while being a Pro member.
- SIMATIC Step V5.6
- TIA Portal Basic V16 or higher
Yes. Most people enroll individually, and then submit their receipt to their employer for reimbursement. However, if your employer has a tuition budget and wants to train 5 people or more, you can send us an email at [email protected] and we will help you with bulk signup.
Of course. All of our course content is pre-recorded, so you can work and study on your own time.